$HNT: 8.71 USD $IOT: 0.001426 USD $MOBILE: 0.001221 USD

Ancient Tartan Sawfish
73.19 %

Location data
Proof of coverage data
0 Notes for Hotspot Ancient Tartan Sawfish expand
max reward days 30 upgrade to 180 days with HNT
0.00 USD
0.00 USD
two days ago
0.19 USD
132.68 IOT
7 days
0.19 USD
132.68 IOT
30 days
Online status 07:23AM at 07:23AM
  • Hotspot is offline

Last Activity

  • Last Beacon At: 12:01AM
  • Last PoC Activity At: 12:01AM
  • Last Unselected At: 11:53AM
01:00AM at 01:00AM
Ancient Tartan Sawfish received Mining Rewards

60.806 IOT

60.806 IOT
0.09 USD
0.000 IOT
60.806 IOT
0.000 IOT
12:01AM at 12:01AM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
07:30PM at 07:30PM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
06:56PM at 06:56PM
Hotspot witnessed a Beacon
Beaconer: Locked
03:23PM at 03:23PM
Hotspot witnessed a Beacon
Beaconer: Locked
02:44PM at 02:44PM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
11:46AM at 11:46AM
Hotspot witnessed a Beacon
Beaconer: Locked
11:02AM at 11:02AM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
01:00AM at 01:00AM
Ancient Tartan Sawfish received Mining Rewards

54.530 IOT

54.530 IOT
0.08 USD
0.000 IOT
48.745 IOT
5.785 IOT
12:52AM at 12:52AM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
09:49PM at 09:49PM
Hotspot witnessed a Beacon
Beaconer: Locked
09:23PM at 09:23PM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
03:37PM at 03:37PM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
12:39PM at 12:39PM
Hotspot witnessed a Beacon
Beaconer: Locked
10:14AM at 10:14AM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
06:51AM at 06:51AM
Hotspot witnessed a Beacon
Beaconer: Locked
04:42AM at 04:42AM
Hotspot sent a Beacon
01:00AM at 01:00AM
Ancient Tartan Sawfish received Mining Rewards

17.345 IOT

17.345 IOT
0.02 USD
0.000 IOT
16.765 IOT
0.580 IOT