$HNT: 3.55 USD $IOT: 0.000537 USD $MOBILE: 0.000585 USD
HeliumTracker Team

Top Cities now with average income per Hotspot

We are now calculating and collecting reward data for cities.

With this data you are able to find cities that perform best in average per hotspot, cities with the most mining rewards or with the most hotspots.

Our impression: At the moment cities with about 50 active hotspots and an average reward scale close to 1.0 perform very well.

Happy mining!

HeliumTracker Team

Realtime Updates for everyone

One of the coolest features of heliumtracker.io are the real time updates:
Whenever there is an activity on the helium blockchain with one of your hotspots we push this update to your browser.

This feature is now available for every registered user. However free members have a lower priority in our worker queue so paid members will be informed a little bit faster.

HeliumTracker Team

We are live again ;)

After a whole lot of reworking the heliumTracker app we are now back online.

You now have the ability to create contacts for the commissions of your hotspots and leave payment data like their Helium Wallet or their payPal address.
With this data you can easily pay your hosts by scanning a qrcode. Payments in HNT made from your wallet will be tracked automatically.

We are also working on a manual payment mode for those who prefer bank transfer or cash. This feature will added in the next days.

Another new feature is the "neighbourhood tab" where you can compare your hotspots performance to their neighbours.

More new features are in development!

PS: We are also planning to develop an IOS and Android-App for heliumtracker.

Happy mining!

HeliumTracker Team

HeliumTracker.io - Feature Overhaul

Hello everybody,

HeliumTracker.io is currently in maintenance mode. The login and die registration have been disabled a few days ago.

As this project is tracking every active Hotspot out there in the world you can image that is a lot of data to handle.

When the project began growing in data we had to throw a lot of our ideas away and had to rebuild and remanage the data.

We are currently working on a new and more than hundred times faster version with some nice new features as well.

Please come back in a few days, get yourself an account and discover new features like comparing your hotspots to the neighbourhood.

Greetings from the HeliumTracker.io Team

HeliumTracker Team

Helium Tracker Beta test

HeliumTracker is now online for beta testers.
We are looking forward for your feedback!