$HNT: 3.36 USD $IOT: 0.000509 USD $MOBILE: 0.000684 USD
HeliumTracker Team

2021 Helium Noble Awards - 2nd Place for HeliumTracker.io

You have chosen HeliumTracker.io as the second place winner in the category "Favorite Community App" of the 2021 Helium Noble Awards.

We are overwhelmed and very grateful for this support.

We will continue to do our best in 2022 to provide you with useful tools around the Helium network.

Thank you!

HeliumTracker Team

Upcoming: New memberships & new features

We would like to inform you about an upcoming change of our premium memberships.

To better meet the needs of our users we are introducing 3 new memberships:

# STARTER $2.95 per month
- Max 3 Hotspots
- 60 days of reward data
+ Real time updates
+ Telegram notifications
+ Premium Queue
+ Commission Payment with qrcode
+ Bulk payments with qrcode
+ Monthly Reward & Commission report
+ Neighbourhood Comparison
+ Hotspot Guard

# IDEAL 5.95$ per month
- max 15 Hotspots
+ everything from STARTER
+ 90 days of reward data
+ Online Status Monitor (coming soon)
+ Hotspot Ping Test (1 per hour & hotspot)

# PROFESSIONAL $15.95 per month
- max 50 Hotspots
+ everything from IDEAL
+ 180 days of reward data
+ Hotspot Ping Test (2 per hour)
+ API Access (10.000 req / month) (coming soon)

# BUSINESS 49,95$ per month
- Max 150 hotspots
- everything from PROFESSIONAL
+ Hotspot Ping Test (2 per hour)
+ API Access (50.000 req / month) (coming soon)
+ Premium Host Dashboard (All premium features for your hosts)

# ENTERPRISE 99,95$ per month
- Max 500 hotspots
- everything from BUSINESS
+ Hotspot Ping Test (12 per hour)
+ API Access (250.000 req / month) (coming soon)
+ Whitelabel Solution (coming soon)

Accounts that already exist at the time of this change are not affected by this change and will continue to run at the old terms until the end of the subscription.

As you can see there are a few upcoming features marked with "(coming soon)". Those features are already in development and/or testing stage and are supposed to be released within the next weeks.

The next major update will include the changes to our subscriptions and an improved version of the hotspot guard including a regular ping/relay check for your hotspots. We will also add telegram notification support to the hotspot guard.

Last but not least: The release of the ios/android app for heliumtracker.io has been postponed in favor of the above mentioned changes.

HeliumTracker Team

Avoiding dowtimes with more redundancy

This morning we had another system failure on our loadbalancer server which led to a heliumtracker.io downtime of several hours.

HeliumTracker is already powered by a total of 6 dedicated web servers. To increase redundancy we will add another loadbalancer server today.

While researching the cause, we came across two common triggers:
1: There are some users with several thousands(!!!) of hotspots in their account.

The elaborate calculations in the dashboard are not designed for this scale and thus overload our servers.

For this reason we will have a maximum hotspot limit of 500 per account starting today. If you really need more than 500 devices in one account contact us - we have an enterprise solution in the pipeline.

2nd: The calculations of the city charts is too computationally intensive.

Every morning around 5:00 am UTC our system recalculates the revenue statistics of the cities. This background job now takes several minutes to complete. Together with the above mentioned loads, this job then apparently leads to a crash.

To counter this problem we will stop the calculations of the city charts until further notice.

HeliumTracker Team

Upgraded our server fleet

To scale up with the growth of our active userbase we decided to upgrade our server fleet.

Until now only a single webserver was serving the app. Of course he was supported by our super fast database server and our dedicated blockchain server.
This server is actually the same machine that brought the very first version of heliumTracker.io to the first users back in may this year.

With an increasing number of users and page views, this server has reached its limits and has now been replaced by two new servers.

Nevertheless, we do not want to terminate it and have now given it a new task as a load balancer for the two new ones.

In the next few days we keep monitoring the performance and see what else we could do to give you the fastest and most reliable service possible.

Happy mining!

HeliumTracker Team

Telegram Realtime notifications

As mentioned a few days ago we have been working on telegram notifications for your hotspots rewards in the past few days.
We have been testing this feature during the weekend and think it is ready for you now.

1. visit our heliumtracker telegram bot: https://t.me/heliumtracker_bot
2. get your telegram connect key on: https://www.heliumtracker.io/account
3. type /connect yourkey to connect to your useraccount
4. you will receive a message from our bot whenever your hotspots are receiving rewards (POC activity is not supported yet)

commands of the bot:
/connect TOKEN (connects your account
/disconnect (disconnects your account)
/h (lists your hotspots)
/h hotspotname (rewards for a given hotspot)
/stats (rewards for your account)
/mute (mutes notifications for 8 hours)
/mute 12 (mutes notifications for 12 hours)
/unmute (resumes notifications)